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Breaking It Down: EGD with Endoscopic Ultrasound Esophagogastroduodenoscopies with endoscopic ultrasound examination can appear rather confusing, especially when additional procedures such as fine needle aspirations...
BREAKING DOWN DENIALS: CC/MCC DENIALS  When someone in the healthcare industry hears the word “denial”, many things can come to mind.  There are many different...
Health Information Professionals Week is March 26th - April 1st, 2017! In honor of HIP week, Excite Health Partners will be hosting HIP Week 'Fill in...
6 Resume Tips for the HIM Professional Having a solid and effective resume will greatly improve your chances of landing the job you are looking for....
Breaking It Down: Understanding the Classification of Drug Toxicity   It is no surprise as to why many coders are having a problem coding poisoning,...
The “jobs” door in the health information technology field is wide open.  Whereas most industries have too many applicants and not enough jobs, health IT...
Every day, more and more people are turning to mobile apps for health information.  As we reviewed in our last blog, physicians are demanding health...
It is no question that there are apps for just about everything today.  With the convenience, immediate connection to information, and direct engagement that they...
February 2017 Cyber Security Summary February consisted of a ransom attack, a break-in and a breach from inside the system, all which contributed to 21 total...
In 2020, telehealth services took healthcare by storm largely due to the COVID pandemic. Prior to 2020, telehealth was available; however, it has not been...